Honesty in Relationships
Gallo discusses a Reddit post where a woman was confused why her boyfriend said he doesn’t start missing her until about a week after they’re apart
Gallo discusses a Reddit post where a woman was confused why her boyfriend said he doesn’t start missing her until about a week after they’re apart
This weeks episode a female friend is confused about her situationship and afraid to ask what are we?
a short podcast episode where I talk about my estranged half brother and how something he did when he was a kid could be a lesson for everyone
Living my Honest Life
can men and women be friends?
guess whos back
This episode was inspired by being on an episode of the Christian Reeve
how to navigate the dating scene
this episode I share with you how to overcome shyness and be a better you and ask for a date
the importance of mental health and the correalation with sexual well being.
The six mistakes most make when trying non-traditional relationships
conflict resolution and how it can help you in your relationships
Felicity Azura, a professional cuddler and sex worker
Sex can be an important part of a relationship
sometimes its necessary to take a break form dating.
A bad first date can be a major disappointment
This week I talk about rejection and how to deal with it
An interview with Hamilton Steele
why Christmas is the Worst
This episode is listener suggestion!
Today I speak with Domme and we talk a little bit about kink
what is BDsM? lets talk about it
Today we talk with executive co-producer Leigh Anne
Today I interview Creator of web series Andrew C. Fisher
This one might get me cancelled, or lose all you guys
A conversation with Therapist Nadia
WTF is S L A X?
This one is for the ladies, How to break up the right way
Two Addicts Convo
Find out where you can find your very own submissive
how to filter out fuccbois from your (dating) life
how to date your crush now, even if you’re invisible to them, or have been their friend for a while
the difference between a nice guy and a gentleman
The way I end a date can help you get a second date
this episode is because I was called out
Trooth shows up to talk about on of his kinks and how he discovered it
Another conversation with Boogie, we started by sharing our simpin stories of our past, how did we get all the way to parternity rights?
Boogie, one half of Blokk Talk podcast, joins me and shares some dating advice
a quick chat with Moonshine Annie about dating, breaking dicks and what guys need to ask women out
Today I talk with Backlash a Skater from Alamo City Roller Girls
The shortest episode to date… I think
Jesus has a problem, and it’s up to me to help
Most of my Father’s advice is NSFW, but they can be applied to most situations
This is NOT a movie review…
No, you didn’t miss me on a Ted Talk
This is more of a flow of thought as I piece together what I was trying to communicate
Why are we here? No, this isn’t a philosophical episode
Jared is back, this time we talk about his journey in the dating world.
Confidence, what does it mean? Do you need it to find a girlfriend?
This is my take on Being an Individual, in the article “How to be a Man’s Man in a Culture That Hates Masculinity” by askmen.com
This is my take on Listening, in the article “How to be a Man’s Man in a Culture That Hates Masculinity” by askmen.com
This episode is my take on the topic Leadership in the article ‘How to be a Man’s Man in a Culture That Hates Masculinity’ by askmen.com
Chat with Kaitlin from mysexcoach.com
We get to hear some advice of Mark’s from evilmark.com
This episode I delve into the word love, it’s various meanings and my takeaway
My take on skills as to how it applies to being a better male in today’s climate
having a conversation about marriage and how to make one work for more than a decade
I take on a section of the article ‘Man’s Man in a Culture That Hates Masculinity’ on Askmen.com
I have a conversation with Relationship Coach Anna Schmitt and talk about the most common problems in relationships
My take on an article by askmen.com this week it’s ‘bravery’
Just another random conversation between dumb looking guys
A talk about valloween and my position on Valentine’s Day in general
Today’s guest is David Khalili, a Marriage and Family Therapist with a focus on working with men, couples therapy, and multi-ethnic individuals.
This episode was inspired by an article on askmen.com
Today we talk about rejection, how to move past it, and hopefully still end up getting a date.
once again I talk about the red pill and machismo.
Today I have a chat with the lovely and multi-talented Coralyn Jewel
Today’s the last episode of NaPodPoMo!
Joshua Shea is a pornography addiction expert, certified betrayal trauma coach and the author of three books on the subject, including He’s a Porn Addict…Now...
Another personal one
Once upon a time I liked to shop on black friday, today I talk about why that is no longer the case
Happy Thanksgiving! This is another personal episode
A story about the time I shoulda gone to jail as I tell it to my friend and former cop Jared, from Feathers & Friends podcast.
Today I have a chat with a new friend from a group of new friends, about life and dating in LA.
What happens when two intelligent guys talk about movies? Conspiracy Theories abound
Another personal episode
Today i have a discussion about supernatural events in my life
YES, I have another chat with J Robert Parker about hypnosis, but this time we chat about the movie Hypnotic on Netflx.
Once again we get a glimpse of the longer conversation with Joshua Shea,
The journey of This Black Girl Podcast @ThisBlackGirlPodcast with the co-hosts Lola @ola.ms.lola and Hildiva @theHillDiva on Instagram
Today I talk about yesterday, actually I talk about what I’m thankful for in my life on Thanksgiving
The one way that Joshua Shea learned his lessons best
today I talk about my body count and figure out what it might be.
Listen in as Fancy Baby and I chat about family
Find out little more about my friend JB’s Podcasting Journey and listen in on us just chopping it up
A conversation about what we can find both alluring and repulsive
Today I have a conversation with Anna who is currently in Switzerland.
This NaPodMo episode Is a conversation with another podcaster from California, David from Cali DTO
Answering some BDsM and kink questions, hopefully it’ll be as clear as mud
I have a conversation with a kinkster, who goes by Lola to remain anonymous
Today I talk about the time I was homeless, what led up to it. My thoughts beforehand and my attitude about homelessness now.
Getting to know a fellow veteran gamer for NaPodMo
Todays conversation is short, but something that has been an annoying fact of life for myself and others.
A conversation with Nathan from Post Modern Art Podcast
this episode is dedicated to my friend Leuvis Manuel Olivero
This is sort of a compilation episode where I have the responses of a few of my guests answer what they think cheating is
This episode I let y’all know what I’m up to this month, and what my podcasting journey has been like
Sugar Lips, a one time plaything, and I talk about her situationships
I talk about myself. again, specifically some issues I’ve been dealing and struggling with
This episode I have a conversation with Bonita re- Orgasm Statistics
I speak with J. Robert Parker is a Union certified Master Hypnotist and owner of Twin Ravens Hypnotherapy and Research LLC
Once again I have a conversation with Cookie, she’s the interviewee in the episode sex work
This sadly fell through. My co-host has her own podcast and caught flak for being associated with a sex addict.
Today I talk with my friend Marina and she spills some tea on me and other things
My friend Bonita and I discuss and how to navigate our friends OUT of toxic relationships
here are the mental health apps and links mentioned in this podcast
As promised, this is the link to the post we were referring to in this episode
a little about my wife and I, plus an announcement of what’s going to happen on the podcast
This is a teaser where I am a guest on IG @Thisblackgirlpodcast, and we talk about relationships and communication
Today I talk with Bella and Nova from ‘Let’s Talk About It Podcast’ you can find them on Anchor and on Instagram
There’s an issue I’ve seen with increasing frequency I’m just going to highlight what it is I am seeing
Today I talk with my new friend former sex worker, and highly ranked student in College.
Today I talk with my friend Bonita about healthy relationships
Another conversation with Bonita
What red blooded Chicano would willingly give up a Unicorn that can pick up females with ease?
I chat with my friend Steve in Japan a little about Christianity
What is a unicorn and what we did together that made her my favorite
The importance of not being dismissive when talking about consent and sex
Today I talk with my new friend who happens to be friends with my sister, about kink, consent and confidence
I was trying to figure out how to talk about my father for Father’s Day, but I realized that it is simply impossible to try and quantify him in an hour or less
Today I’m gonna talk about fights, and why I can’t play fight with friends, and a little tidbit about an ability I have
are you having the best sex with your current partner? if not, I have a few simple tips to make it better
a conversation with a derby fran about dating
Today I chat with yet another derby fran, Valerie Mercury. And today’s topic was a mix-up/misread, but I’m glad I reached out to her none the less
I talk with my friend Bonita about dating and issues
Chat with my friend Cakes, about Roller Derby, where it’s at, where it’s going and can we course correct
– title: Confidence date: 2021-05-27 excerpt: “since I haven’t figured out how to bottle up my confidence, I’m gonna talk about how to approach females, or r...
My high school friend JB and I talk about dating and the dynamics between males and females
Love and death, finding true love before you die and the joy of having a cheerleader
a discussion with a new friend about Judeo-Christian/Catholic relations
you can make your life easier by being selfish, and everyone around you will be the better for it
This is about my time in the military, specifically basic training. and a few other ramblings regarding life and racism
How could roller derby fix itself… if they can get their head out of their ass
I talk with my friend in Japan (Nippon) for the first time over Video!
Did I tell you about about the time… times? that I got 16 free dinners
my experience with legal and illegal drugs and my preference for eastern and or herbal medicine
Today I chat with a friend from high school and we discuss dating and how to navigate that in todays world
Is there a difference between Red Pill and Machismo?
A long winded post to tell you why you should take my advice
word words wordy, do you even read this? any who I’m gonna talk about 1st and 2nd gen stuff and how they deal with life
Another episode, this time I’m talking about animosity I’ve noticed over the years that I hadn’t paid attention to, until I spoke on a friends podcast.
I managed to get together with a friend that has worked on popular shows
I talk about my experience with the Family court system and how they can adversely affect males even when they’re well intentioned
I talk a little about my childhood and a lot about my late wife and how I learned to value love over lust
Just a long winded way of explaining my solution to making the world a better place
Livestream with a friend and former co-worker who brought along another friend
What’s the worst possible thing you can say to a widow/er?
Mom’s Advice, or the best advice I got from my mom that’s helped me for a few decades.
how to break up with your ex that will bring closure to the relationship, instead of having to deal with a zombie every few months
Females have said some funny things that have said to impress me.
How does my theory of 100 apply it into your life?
Issues surrounding MeToo, from being harassed, falsely accused and other things
The problem with pretendoms isnt just that theyve managed to get into the kink community…